日本財団 図書館


The equipment have been regularly checked and serviced by our OSPAR team personnel at its respective sites and will be ready for use should an oil spill incident occur. We have also made a request for the budget in fiscal year 1997 to carry out maintenance of the equipment, to purchase spare parts and to buy chemical dispersant.


In supplement of the OSPAR equipment supplied, we have purchased binoculars and knapsack sprayers (portable dispersant sprayers) for our OSPAR team. Internal briefing and training being organised periodically to ensure members of the team understood of their duties and the operational procedures of the equipment.


The availability of the equipment in Malaysia is very much appreciated and we are thankful to-date we do not have to use the equipment as Malaysia has been spared for any major oil spill incident. Nevertheless, the equipment is in state of readiness to be utilized in case of any oil spill incident in the country and we are confident that the OSPAR equipment is capable of minimising the impact of an oil spill on the environment.


Prepared by : Safety of Navigation Division
Marine Dept Peninsular Malaysia
27th August1996




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